Winterspring Pics Gallery

Alrighty, the following are just a bunch of different screenshots taken during the course of the grind. I'm putting them up mostly to share with the various people I ran into over the time I had, but for the rest of you I'll add a short description under each of them to explain what you're seeing.

This is Too and I just outside the Winterfall Village during of of our runs, thought it was a pretty cool shot. The <Wintersaber Trainers> guild tag you see shows just how seriously we took the grind! Everything else was put on hold until we had our mounts.

Wiccanwraith, Too and I running out of Frostwhisper Gorge after having completed a giants run.

There is nothing sweeter than riding into Winterfall Village and having a full Shaman spawn up!

When you factor in around 8,000 Furbolg kills with loot like the above, it's no wonder I saved 3500g throughout the grind! :)

Xandivious' first victims, a hapless horde Rogue and Warrior who thought he was a rare spawn and kept going back for more!

Xandivious' claims five more ^^

HEHE, I had only dreamed the day would come! Towards the end of the grind Xandivious pwned Too :p

Brilliant Purple

Just another screenshot of the mount, showing how with certain backdrops the colour becomes a very brilliant purple.

Getting attention in Ironforge

Getting some attention in Ironforge just after the grind :)

Exalted with Wintersaber Trainers

The end!